• Silvr Lining’s cargo pants with photovoltaic panels to charge your mobile phone

  • Solar-Powered-Cargo-Pants-1.jpg
    Tired of plugging your cell phone into wall sockets every time it runs out of charge? Your pants can now do that for you! These pairs of cargo pants by Silvr Lining called the Go Urban integrate two photovoltaic panels that soak in the heat of the sun to provide your mobile phone with some renewable juice. Now the checked design on them somewhat reminds us of the stuff we wear to bed every night, and we sure wouldn’t want to be caught dead with these out in the open. These pairs are lightweight, water-resistant, stain-repellent, and tough, made from animal-friendly Ultrasuede.

    We’d prefer a simple pair of denims actually with a couple of solar panels on it, or maybe just something that we could walk into the office with, without looking all that silly and out of place.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on December 15, 2010