• Shanghai plans a zero carbon emitting city by 2050

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    There is a recent craze in reducing the amount of carbon emissions, and many are going so far as proclaiming of building an entire city that does not depend on any fossil fuels to cause any environmental damage whatsoever. China as always does not want to be left far behind, after the debacle of being listed as the largest contributor of Co2 into the environment it wants to clean up its act. Its announced building a fully self sufficient, zero carbon emitting Eco-city by the end of 2050. The city sits near the eastern tip of Chongming, the world’s largest alluvial island in the mouth of the Yangtze River. Developers hope the community will become home for up to 400,000 people across 30 square kilometers – about half the size of Manhattan. Currently, the city has ten wind turbines along the boundary, which will run on energy from sources including wind, solar power and biogas from municipal waste. Generating electricity from wind is estimated to be at least twice as expensive as using coal. Electricity from solar power could be ten times as expensive. Yet it seems saving the environment is at the forefront of Chinas agenda and it’s nice to know it will value green power over cheaper and harmful alternatives. The city is expected to house about 400,000 residents by the time it is completed in 2050. Improved access could make Dongtan the new home of wealthy commuters

    China wants to put forth the image that it is moving from an industrial age to an ecological age. The Dongtan project is moving slowly, and has been hampered by rising doubts over whether it will be a model for China’s rapid urbanization, or just a posh community for wealthy commuters eager to flee the smog and traffic of Shanghai. Let’s just hope more cities in the world think wisely and invest in a green society.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on June 27, 2008