• Powered by a laser, the Quadrocopter by LaserMotive flies for 12 hours setting records

  • Quadrocopter.jpg
    At times, the wind and the sun do decide to holiday and not show up. At times like these, all those solar and wind powered devices switch off or are plugged back into the grid. Well, you don’t need to really depend on the sun or the wind, or the grid for that matter, anymore. Not when you have laser power! Here’s something that’ll make your jaw drop to the ground. The Quadrocopter. Controlled remotely, the Quadrocopter set a record for flying 12 hours powered by a laser. Using photovoltaic panels on its underside, the laser juices this one up and helps keep it a good 30 feet in the air. The brain behind this all, LaserMotive this innovation could just be the future of the aviation industry!

    We’re pretty sure the guys in the military have being eyeing this development with interest. We’d just love to see this technology blossom and bloom into an alternative energy to help us hit the skies.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on November 3, 2010