• Power lines turn creative with human-shaped pylons

  • human-shaped-pylons.jpg
    Those Eiffel-tower replicas that we have that keep our power lines in place are soon going out of fashion. Electricity pylons have never really had the chance before to be a work of art at least, and the same old triangular design has been adopted world over. Well, the Land Of Giants project thinks otherwise, and switches the boring old electricity transmission tower design for something creative and certainly eye-catching. These towers are instead shaped like human beings who clutch the cables and keep them in place. The designing was done by he Massachusetts architecture firm Choi + Shine, and several pylons of different versions like these exist. So, the whole power line is more than just triangular pylons lined up with electricity cables running above.

    And here’s a better touch to it. Owing to the fact that these giant people look pretty human-like, birds will sure stay away from these power lines which mean a sure and electrifying death.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on August 13, 2010