• Omni-Freeze Ice, clothing that keeps you ice-cool in summers

  • During the heated months, we all tend to stay in the shelter of our homes and offices for longer, without spending too much time exposed to the sun, instead preferring air conditioning to keep us cool. For those who spend most of their time outdoors, even during scorching summers, here’s a perfect way to stay cool and healthy even with the sun shining down heatedly. Called the Omni-Freeze Ice clothing range, this apparel uses material made of flat fibers that bring 35 percent more surface area in contact with your skin than traditional round yarns. In short, the more the cloth touches you, the cooler it keeps you, absorbing heat and chilling your skin. Also, the material contains a chemical, so good, that when put in a glass of water, can actually chill the water!

    However being a chemical compound, this one wears off after 70 to 80 washes. A revolutionary touch to summer clothing, the Omni-Freeze Ice clothing is perfect to keep you cool in summer!

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on June 16, 2011