• Old hard drives recycled into a DIY Wall Clock for geeky times

  • diy_wall-clock.jpg
    Here is an outstanding time-telling DIY project for a geek with a green thumb. Darren from Engadget has bought to light a Wall Clock that has been wheedled out of old computer Hard Drives. So if you too have been accumulating such geeky stuff and a tiny e-waste heap occupies a corner in your den then dig in through the junk to grab a dozen hard-drives. Put your expertise to test with help of few tools and a tiny quartz machine to set the hands moving. A smart Instructable user has got hold of a drill, a kit of screw drivers and pliers to fix up about 12 of 3.5 inched cast off computer hard drives. To create the “face” of this clock, he has used aluminum washers or spacers that separate hard drive platters. You can also let your creativity loose and come up with unusual combinations. The geeky designer here has smartly used the number of rings to denote the hour on the face of the clock. That is three rings for 3 o’clock, 6 rings for 6 o’clock and so on!

    Though all of us cannot recycle and reuse the hours that pass away, many of us would love to try our hands on this recycled wall clock to keep a tab on current hour.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on November 10, 2008