• NoMix, the urine-separating toilet helps generating electricity and producing fertilizers

  • NoMix_toilets.jpg
    Toilet systems get smarter and greener with innovations like the NoMix. This system in your bathroom apparatus helps separate urine and solid waste. This helps make the work of municipal waste plants easier and produces more methane to generate electricity. It also helps make the task of extracting phosphorous and nitrogen easier which can be used as fertilizers. Studies and surveys in 7 European countries have shown that around 75−85% of users are well satisfied with the NoMix’s designing, hygiene, smell, seating and comfort. 85% people have considered the use of these fertilizers as a good idea and 70% would purchase such food.

    The concept and designing of this system for your bathroom will help create energy and fertilizers every time you answer natures call!

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on March 13, 2010