• Nanotech used in filter material helps filter water 80,000 times faster

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    Water filters today tend to keep you anxiously waiting while they get on with their job, to provide you with clean germ-free water. Give a few years in the future, and you just won’t have to wait so long for a sparkling clean glass of water to quench your thirst. A new nano-material was developed recently that purifies water 80,000 times faster than purifiers today, killing 98% bacteria. Water filters in the future will use cotton dipped in nano-sized silver wires and copper tubes. The filter was developed by researchers at the Stanford University which conducts a charge of electricity used to block bacterial flow. If the bacteria choose to remain stubborn and cling on to the filter, the silver in it kills them off. For now, researchers are figuring out ways to develop these filters using lighter materials and at cheaper costs.

    We wish them all the luck they need into making this glass of crystal clear water into reality.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on September 2, 2010