• Mount Blanc now plays home to a self-sufficient solar-powered shelter on its peak!

  • Refuge du Goûter
    Living on top of a mountain peak isn’t really as easy as it seems, particular if the mountain peak is Europe’s highest. Visitors to the peak of Mount Blanc now have some respite and a shelter awaiting them, 3,835m above sea level. Designed by Swiss firm Group H, in collaboration with French firm Decalaage, this self-sufficient shelter looks more like a space-ship waiting to take off! Made from a wooden structure with metal cladding, the structure can accommodate up to 120 people and is designed across four levels.

    With a floor-space of about 720 square meters, this shelter includes sleeping dormitories, cloakrooms, foyer, store and ‘engine’ room, communal living areas, a kitchen and a one-of-a-kind dining room with panoramic views! The structure is powered by 50 square meters of thermal solar panels that generate thermal energy from melting snow.





    [Via – Designboom]

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: on September 17, 2013