• Life Fitness Treadmill uses human energy to power up ambient lights

  • life-fitness-treadmill_1.jpg
    Burn that fat and make a light-bulb glow! Now who’d think exercising could help you generate electricity? Here’s yet another reason to make you work out, besides losing those extra pounds and turning yourself into a Greek-God-like-figure. The “Life Fitness Treadmill” by designer Ryan Mather somewhat reminds us of those little wheels that hamsters run in, producing energy in some sci-fi movie. Its not hamsters and little wheels here though. It’s a full fledged treadmill, that you can exercise on and generate power. The energy created is used to power up LED lights and give your room an ambient lighting.

    Why hook up to the grid when you could simply use the Life Fitness Treadmill to lighten up your living space with ambient lighting? This treadmill emits lights in four different colors, blue, green, yellow and red. So lose that flab and shed some light!

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on July 7, 2010