• Free parking renders solar-powered parking meters in Olympia useless

  • olympia_parking_meters.jpg
    Just like a child who’s just received a $100 bill from his grandma and is finding ways to blow it away, the city of Olympia had a few extra dollars, around $650,000 to spend. So, they brought 48 solar powered parking pay stations. These were installed around the city and were ready to use. But just when Olympia was about to pull away the plastic coverings from these high-tech meters, the city council voted 4-3 not to use them! And so, high-tech green technology stays unused in the city of Olympia, leaving the people guessing as to why these meters were installed, when parking in the city is free.

    Now tax payers are sure going to feel around their pockets soon and realize their money has been wasted on a useless though green and high-tech technology. So, the council will go to vote yet again, this time hoping that a vote is passed in favor of these solar-powered parking meters.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on May 27, 2010