• Fido’s a place for some canine fun, is sustainable and eco-friendly

  • Fido-Indoor-Dog-Park-1.jpg
    Well, if you live in Portland and plan to take your dog for a walk, rest assured, the experience is bound to be a whole lot different. Fido’s Indoor Dog Park, located in Southeast Portland, an industrial area, offers a place to take your canine friend for a walk, complete with artificial grass. The place is almost one-third of a football field, around 13,000 square feet. It’s more of a resort for canines, and includes a self-dog-wash area, private meeting rooms for owners, a coffee shop, wireless Internet access, a pool for dogs, and eight dens for canines who wish to stay there for a night. And yes, this one makes an effort to be sustainable too, with products in the retail store sourced locally, nontoxic paints used, ozonated water in pools with 98% less chemicals, grass made of recycled materials and natural cleaners to clean up urine, Biozyme. The poop is collected in biodegradable bags and plans to use the waste for compost are currently under the hammer.

    For a day, without the pool, you pay just $10 to give your doggie a load of fun, while you pay $275 for an entire month. Fido’s sure seems to be the place your doggie would have on his or her wish list!

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on September 2, 2010