• Eco Index software tool to help judge environmental impact during apparel manufacture

  • Greener-Jeans.jpg
    Well the environment conscious and nature lovers probably have a tough time shopping, selecting from brands and trying to figure out just how dark a carbon footprint did the apparel in their hands leave during production. Figuring this out isn’t going to be rocket science anymore, thanks to a new software tool that will help manufacturers compare and find out how much impact the manufacture of a particular good has had on the environment. At the Outdoor Retailer trade show in Salt Lake City, the Eco Index will be unveiled. Though it will be a while before consumers actually get to see the ratings the brands have got, taken that the companies seem shy to immediately bring out their facts of production.

    100 major apparel brands, including renowned Levi Strauss, Nike, and Target, have helped in the creation of this tool. Luxury brands haven’t played sport though and have chosen not to pay too much attention to this one, which is probably because they do tend to stamp a pretty dark spot of carbon footprint every time the manufacture. For those who participated, three green cheers!

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on July 29, 2010