• Coca-Cola China’s eco-friendly Ice Dew light weight bottle pops up in time for the Shanghai Expo 2010

    Coca-Cola China has gone green with their newly launched eco-friendly bottle. These bottles, to be used for the drinking water brand, Ice Dew, are the lightest bottles of their size on the Chinese beverage market. Coca-Cola, the main sponsor of the Shanghai Expo 2010, has these bottles available to the visitors, about 100 million, who will make it to the Expo. The bottle reduces the carbon footprint of the beverage giant by a sweet 35%. After use, the bottle is designed to be twisted and compressed. This saves 70% of the space needed, while it sets out on its journey for recycling.

    The Ice Dew light weight bottle will be introduced in Shenzhen, Xi’an, Xiamen, Nanjing, Hangzhou and other cities this month and gradually will spread through out the country. Packaging innovations do help a company like Coke save up on emissions and production costs too. Three well deserved cheers for Coca-Cola China!
    [The Coca-ColaCompany]

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on May 10, 2010