• Barack Obama’s portrait recycled out of 2000 postage stamps

  • obama-stamp-portrait.jpg
    Newly sworn Barack Obama has earned a reputation as the Green President since some time now. But little did we know that he has fans with the same eco-attitude from other continents too. A 65 year old artist, Pete Mason, has come up with a green art-work to celebrate Obama’s victory. A resident of Gordon Brown, UK, the artist has crafted out a 3ft by 4 ft image of the current President by recycling 2,000 postage stamps. And with the help of generous stamp donors from UK as well as U.S, the artist, also known as Post Pop Art Man, managed to stick out Obama against the American flag backdrop. This stamped portrait will be on display at the Art Lounge in The Mailbox in Birmingham.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on January 23, 2009