• A liter of Orange juice spawns triple carbon footprint than bottled water

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    We have been harping about the plastic menace, thanks to the trend of quenching thirst with bottled water. Not many prefer to carry a bottle of water from home and opt for a bottle of water or juice of the shelf when thirsty. And as most of think that sipping water from a plastic bottle will burden the environment more than gulping from a pack of orange juice than here is a green revelation. Latest study states that carbon footprint of Tropicana’s Pure Premium orange one liter juice exceeds that of Fiji’s one liter bottle of water by 0.65kg. Though the figure may appear to be insignificant when read as zero point six five, when calculated it turns out to be 3.6 times more. The total figure includes emissions from the time of growing oranges to shipping them to US shores. So next time you want to satiate your thirst, you need to think about the carbon footprints too before choosing from a bottle of water or juice. What would you quench your thirst with?