• YoYo Mouse uses no power; charges up when used as a yoyo!

  • yo_yo_mouse2.jpgIf you’re one of those computer-worms who spend the better half of their lives seated on computer chairs, clicking away to glory, here’s a device that’s designed to help you stay healthy. Prolonged computer use is known to cause sore-wrists, stiff backs and numb legs. This mouse, called the YoYo mouse designed by Shih-Chan Chiu drains out of charge after a short time, and requires you to get off that chair, stand up, and use it like a YoYo to charge up! Without the use of electricity, this one’s a pretty green peripheral too, and makes use of alternative energy, in the form of a little play time, to power up instead of conventional grid connections.

    A green mouse that’s bound to keep you healthy and your backbone damage-free, the YoYo Mouse is innovation at its best.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: on December 14, 2011