• Water buoy powered by energy from the waves with GPS and radio systems

  • hybrid-energy-buoy1.jpg
    Remember those sea buoys were so used to seeing, with the little clinging bell and a lamp to warn sea-farers at night? Buoys have saved loads of ships and water vessels from danger in the past, and were invented for the purpose which they’ve been dutifully fulfilling. Its time the good old sea buoy got a makeover too, and designers Tae Hoon Lee and Sung Yong Kim have done just that, with the Bloom, powered by energy from the waves. Using the EPAM that generates an electric induction due to a waves force, the buoy uses all the energy created to power up its radio systems, GPS systems and those bright LEDs that alert ships at night.

    Using RFIDs, these water buoys can also be tracked. This certainly is an innovative upgrade to the traditional water buoy.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on December 14, 2010