• The ZERO USB charger by AT&T saves energy

  • AT&T_ZERO_USB_charger.jpg
    Charging phones has never been a greener affair before. AT&T came up with this awesome phone charger known as the ZERO Charger. Developed by Superior Communications, this device uses ultra-low power and can charge up a whole load of gadgets that use a USB. When fully charged, the ZERO automatically switches off power to the device and prevents the unnecessary flow of electricity. The packaging of this charger makes a green statement too, and is made out of recycled materials. AT&T was one of the first companies to come up with the brainwave of a universal charger.

    This charger will juice up just any little device that uses a USB. Though the price hasn’t been decided yet, AT&T anticipates it to cost as much as a regular adapter.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on March 18, 2010