• The world’s most energy saving capability achieved with new ultra-battery

  • ultra-battery.jpg
    The God of batteries is here, combining together a few elements, and capable of storing more energy than any other battery that has ever surfaced the earth. This ultra-battery is basically created from xenon, some fluoride, and pressures similar to those found at the center of the Earth. In depth, the battery is made of material known as xenon difluoride (XeF2), a white crystal primarily used to etch silicon conductors. This crystal was placed in a diamond anvil cell, a tiny device that measures only two inches by three inches that uses two tiny diamond anvils to produce incredibly high pressures in tiny, contained spaces. Sounds space-age, doesn’t it?

    Well, it is! The normally spaced out xenon difluoride molecules are squeezed together in the diamond anvil cell causing them to form a two-dimensional semiconductor. With pressure reaching a million atmospheres, the molecules formed 3D metallic “network structures”, forcing mechanical energy of the compression process to be stored as chemical energy. And that sure is a whole lot of energy, more than any other battery on earth at least.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on July 7, 2010