• The slide out solar powered external refrigerator by Nicholas Hubert is energy efficient

  • external-refrigerator.jpg
    In China, most people barely spare a second glance to their refrigerators in the colder winter months, and chose to store food on their balconies, a space and energy saving technique. This inspired designer Nicholas Hubert to create the External Refrigerator for Electrolux. Now, unlike the boxy one you’ve got plugged into the grid in your kitchen, this refrigerator keeps its act clean, using solar energy to power up when the sun shines. The refrigerator is equipped with solar panels in its side that help absorb solar juice. The refrigerator mounts on an exterior wall of a home, and slides out towards the window every time you need something from it. In the months of cold, the refrigerator keeps up with the ambient temperature outside to cool food.

    An amazing concept indeed, to save up on all that space in your kitchen, and cut you electricity bill, this refrigerator sure has a green heart.
    Via – [Designlaunches]

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on September 6, 2010