• The energy efficient soap lamp uses LEDs

  • led-soap-lamp.jpg
    Here’s a lighting device that can light up your bathroom and create a bit of lather to aide your bath too; though it isn’t actually made to do so). This LED lamp is made out of soap, 97% that is. The soap-lamp or the glowing soap, whatever you’d like to call it, was designed by D-Vision and shown off at the Milan Design Week.

    LEDs being a cool source of energy, these little lights do not emit any heat at all, keeping the soap from melting. We’ve seen different types of materials like cloth and plastic being used for lampshades before, soap isn’t one of those. LEDs being energy efficient and long lasting as compared to incandescent bulbs, are finding loads of applications today, including lighting up soap.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on April 21, 2010