• The Belkin Conserve Insight power-outlet adapter displays the energy consumption of your home

  • power-outlet-adapter.jpg
    Besides grabbing a lot of curious glances from visitors to your home, this little power outlet adapter could help you save a load of cash too! This one sure is a fascinating little object to have at home, especially if you go “Ooh! What does this button do” every time you see a gadget of its type. On a more serious note, this device, the Belkin Conserve Insight, gives you an insight on just how much energy your home is sucking out of the grid. The power-outlet adapter is equipped with a screen too, to display the energy consumption of a home.

    Now watts are not all that the device shows you. It throws up a few dollars and carbon dioxide levels too. A handy little device, this one sure helps people who’re habituated to leaving every light bulb in their homes switched on for a “brighter” evening. Perhaps a adapter like this connected to your bank account could help too, charging you little fines every time you leave the bathroom light switched on!

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on June 17, 2010