• Taiwanese student invents solar powered life-jacket with GPS

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    Sheng-cheh, a student from Taiwan, has invented a life jacket which may greatly reduce the risk involved in sea travelling. Though normal life jackets keep a person afloat, a major cause of death at sea is due to the hypothermia caused by the water. However, Sheng-cheh’s invention LIFEON consists of chlorophyll solar cells which get charged within 10 second after coming in contact with water and can heat up the life saver to human body temperature and can maintain it up to 72 hours. Apart from this, it also has a GPS system and compartments that can hold food and water.

    The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology is currently looking for companies to mass produce this brilliant, award –winning environment-friendly invention.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on March 10, 2010