• Solar panel back-sheets made from castor bean resin helps save on installation cost

  • Solar-panel-back-sheets.jpg
    Castor beans and solar panels have had nothing to do with each other, until now. A firm known as BioSolar from California decided to unite the two for saving costs. Using a protective back-sheet for the solar panels, the installation costs of solar panels dropped low, taken that the sheet was made mainly from castor bean resin and is cheaper than the usual back-sheets. The ingredient, known as polyamide resin is made from castor beans.

    A whole lot of companies out there are working on increasing efficiency of solar panels and solar technology. The cost too is increasing gradually. Companies like BioSolar discreetly are coming up with ways to help lower the costs of installing solar technology in our homes and the place we work, for a greener future with easy access to green energy.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on May 20, 2010