• Panasonic’s new LED lamps light up efficiently by consuming less energy

  • Panasonic-LED-Lamps.jpg
    Panasonic has pulled the veil of some new LED and bulbs lamps recently, shedding light in an eco-friendly way. The bulbs by Panasonic boast a light distribution angle of a sweet 300 degrees. The bulbs are available in two different models, the daylight color model and the incandescent model. The center of this light bulb is raised and does not heat up much, having heat sensitive electronic components arranged in it with the LED packages arranged around it. The bulb is expected to cost ¥3,500 (approx US$43) and the company is busy
    planning to develop a 60 watt equivalent LED bulb.

    The lamps can be set up in four different modes, like the study mode, the theater mode, the relaxation mode and the normal mode. These light modules have direct light and indirect light that can be adjusted as required. LEDs are placed one the border of this quadrangular lamp. A single color model for a ten-mat (16.6m2) room is about ¥50,000 (approx US$609) and the intensity-adjustable model for a 12-mat room (19.9m2) is about

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on January 31, 2011