• iLoveLamp renders light and clean air to a geek’s workplace

  • iLoveLamp.jpg
    Although still a concept, I have already fallen in love with the iLoveLamp! Mikhail St-Denis has bought many features under one design with his iLoveLamp. Playing a role of desk lamp, this desktop device also houses a mini-garden to spread a bit of greenness. Targeting the eco-sensitive folks, the designer intends to craft the lamp out of eco-friendly material like recycled plastic or bamboo. Getting it juice via USB cord connected to the computer, the iLoveLamp also transfers data via the same. Displaying a clock and a watering meter, the lamp emits natural sunlight to illuminate dark times. By growing herbs or small plants, the user can also breathe cleaner air while working!

    Here is the description in the designer’s own words, ‘It has a built-in microchip that keeps track of power consumption and also detects the needs of your plant, such as soil condition or when it needs to be watered. When your plant is low on water, it will notify you via your favorite digital method: i.e. SMS, Twitter, Email or even Facebook. Computer connectivity allows social networking and crowd sourcing techniques to unite the community of owners together to share growing tips and statistics (similar to the Nike+ community).’

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on January 19, 2009