• Higher-powered compact organic batteries, weighing less, might just turn into a reality

  • spring-loadedmolecules.jpg
    Batteries make a difference. To our lives, our cars, our gadgets, our homes and just about everything that needs a touch of electricity. And without batteries, mobility would indeed be impaired. Its time that the world thinks up of a few ways to better these batteries and chemists Christopher Bielawski and Jonathan Sessler from the University of Texas at Austin have given research a start. Using a process of electron-switching that the chemists have just stumbled across, thinner, lighter and high-powered organic batteries might just seem less of a dream and more of a future reality! Taken that they shun the use of metals, these batteries are lighter with a potential to store more energy than conventional batteries and cost less for production. Batteries like these, if developed extensively, could last weeks or even months!

    The electron switch allows the process of electron transfer to proceed in the opposite direction too, allowing storage and retrieval of electrical energy. Indeed a technological breakthrough, that might just help the world turn greener. A pat on the back for Christopher Bielawski and Jonathan Sessler!

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on September 20, 2010