• Emily Cummins honored by Noble Prize winners for solar powered portable refridgerator

  • solar-powered-portable-refridgerator-1.jpg
    We’ve heard of Emily Cummins, lovingly and honorably known as the Fridge Lady in Namibia. We’ve also heard of the portable solar powered refrigerator concept she came up with some time ago. Here’s the good news. For all her engineering skills, brain-scratching and pencil-chewing hard work she has done designing this fridge for the underprivileged third world countries, Emily has now been crowned one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World winners by Junior Chamber International. The amazing refrigerator uses the concept of the human body for cooling. Using evaporation, this one can keep the meat fresh and the milk white for a good few days. Using two cylinders, one inside the other, with the inner one made from metal and the outer one made from wood or plastic, the fridge is now common in Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe.

    23-year-old Emily is the only female and European to have ever been honored by the Noble Prize winners. Three cheers for Miss Emily Cummins!

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on October 27, 2010