• Eco-friendly kettle by Kenwood saves 35% energy

  • energy_sense_kettle.jpg
    Eco-consciousness is spreading around the globe and designs for eco-friendly products are coming up quickly, with the world finally realizing the need to save energy. This time, it’s kettles that go eco-friendly. This kettle by Kenwood is eco-friendly and with a bit of technology and innovation can save up on energy while heating water for your early morning cup of tea. The technology this kettle uses to heat up water uses 35% less energy, or so Kenwood claims.

    Also, a bit of common sense by the designer Andrew Liszewski, coupled with innovation ensures that you don’t heat more water than you actually require. The kettle is designed with markings to indicate just how much water you’ll need, without heating an excess leading to wastage. You can have one of these eco-friendly kettles for just $70.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on May 28, 2010