• Ecofan Heat Powered Wood Stove Fan beats the chill in a green style

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    Since most of the Northern hemisphere is still bearing the brunt of plunging temperatures, its time to warm up in the closed comforts of our homes and read about some eco-friendly way to do it. Since central heating consumes abundance of energy, it is time to take a look at the self powered EcoFan. This heat-powered fan utilizes the heat from the stove to generate its own electricity. Isn’t it the most economical way to effectively circulate warm air directly into the living area? And also make the optimum use of the heat energy that is otherwise shoved out through chimney. Moreover the portable fan is smart enough to start automatically and adjust speed with the stove’s temperature. Ideal for locations which are deprived of electricity, this kind of heat-up system promises green warm times without harming the environment. It also helps us to save wood and forests. For just about $100, people from any corner of the world can keep their dens comfortably warm.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on January 27, 2009