• Dr Pepper plans for energy-efficient vending machines

  • Dr-pepper.jpg
    We all love our Dr Pepper. Well, the next time we walk up to a dispensing machine, it might just be a green energy saving one. The Dr Pepper Snapple Group will replace 60,000 of its vending machines and coolers. Energy Star rated models will replace the old ones that will be 30 percent more efficient. This will help the firm save up on $7.6 million in electricity costs too. Since becoming a public company in 2008, the DPS have set a load of goals that it plants to achieve before 2015, of which, replacing these machines is one of them.

    The firm plans to improve its manufacturing energy efficiency and reduce Co2 emissions by 10%. DPS also plan to recycle 80% of their solid waste that spews out during manufacturing and cutting out 60 million pounds of PET plastic use by modifying packaging. DPS are also planning to reduce their fuel consumption by using software to select shorted routes for transport. Dr Pepper sure is looking to the greener horizon.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on June 10, 2010