• CYOOO-electrically assisted folding bike

  • cyooo1.jpg
    The recently designed CYOOO bike is a bit different then regular run-of-the-mill pedelec (electrically assisted) bikes. It folds into a very compact shape. The saddle bar goes down, the front wheel collapses inwards, and even the handle bar is rotatable. This folding feature makes this trendy bike extremely portable. To make its structure foldable while integrating the electrical components such as rechargeable batteries and electrical motors, the frame is made up of two parts. The outer part is made up of aluminum while the inner part, with a ribbing used to provide stability, is made out of hard plastic.

    The poratbility and the eco-friendly nature of this bike make it a very desirable product.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on April 2, 2010