• Corky wireless mouse generates its power from movement

  • corky-thumb-450x337.jpg
    The computer mouse is just a small little device that gets disposed off along with a million other e-waste that poses a major problem to the earth. Another problem is that even thought the mice have become wireless, still the disposable batteries used in them again collects as e-waste products. But with Andele Peter’s wireless corky mouse all problems seem to get solved, Firstly it is wireless, secondly it requires no batteries. The mouse generates power from kinetic energy. Every time you click, or move the mouse around, or even use the scroll wheel, some amount of energy is generated that is used to make the mouse work.

    Also, it is made from 100% recycled plastic components and recycled and biodegradable cork. So it is 100% eco-friendly! This is a part of the Greener Gadgets Design Competition in New York. We will be featuring one such product straight from the competition everyday from now, keep looking!

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on February 11, 2010