• Charge Battery requires a spin to charge up, without a grid connection

  • charge_battery.jpg
    Rechargeable batteries work great, and make sure you don’t need to keep visiting the store to pick up fresh batteries every time your old one’s run out. Also, using these helps save out on batteries ending up in the waste too. But then again, rechargeable batteries need their juice, and need to be plugged in from time to time. Designers Yeon Kyeong Hwang & Mieong Ho Kang have come up with a fantastic alternative, with the Charge Battery. This one’s basically a self-sufficient battery and to charge it, all you do is turn it around in the clock-wise direction, functioning like a wind-up toy. Turning around the positive end winds up the spiral spring and in turn powers up the battery.

    Innovative and highy practical, this battery makes sure you remain powered on in the open too, where connecting to a grid for a recharge is just impossible.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on February 16, 2011