• Eco-friendly Aqua Liquid cellphone for LOHAS followers

  • Aqua_Liquid_cellphone.jpg
    A trend is good as long as it doesn’t become a habit which normally tends to ruin things. A new cellphone has been introduced called the Aqua Liquid cellphone which uses liquid fuel cells technology. This is meant to be eco friendly and low on pollutants although it lowers the efficiency of the phone. Also everything about this phone is apparently recyclable. The phone has an E-Ink display which is a little hard to understand but might mean that it uses only one hundredth of the normal LCD power and will help in the phone not switching off in mid-conversations.

    This product is mainly for the LOHAS consumer. In full it is Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability – a way of life for one out of every six Americans who ‘spend their life considering environment and health with a joyful lifestyle. And this concept, designed by Sean Park, is something that people following the LOHAS would enjoy. Bizarre.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on April 13, 2009