• 100% Off device to save energy and costs during Standby

  • hundred percent.jpg
    These inventions are interesting… it gives us the thought – who would have thought of that! The 100% Off device will help reduce a tangible waste of money and energy. The idea was originally conceived as part of a study aimed at improving household energy efficiency by controlling the power consumption of individual appliances. It uses an 8-bit microprocessor programmed to run a mathematical algorithm that identifies different power modes. By measuring the current consumed during both normal operation and standby, the appliances can be automatically turned off when not in use. This device can apparently save up to 20% of electricity bill as well as reduce global CO2 emissions by 1%.

    There was a report that said that in the EU alone, appliances left on standby are responsible for an estimated 20 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. The design was developed by a team from the University of Catalonia (UPC) and is being patented and brought to market by Good for You, Good for the Planet.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on March 26, 2009