• Wildpoldsried village in Germany generates 321% surplus renewable energy

  • Wildpoldsried-village-1.jpg
    A few solar panels on your roof can change your life and better the environment. An entire village choosing to do so is a green feat like never before! Take the German village of Wildpoldsried for instance. Located in Bavaria, the village has turned greener than ever, producing a whopping 321% more energy than it needs! And with that, the village also generates about $5.7 million in annual revenue from renewable energy! The village first went green in 1997, and has now come a long way with solar panels, four biogas digesters, seven windmills, and two more under construction. That’s not all. The little residence with a population of just 2,600 also uses three small hydro power plants, ecological flood control, and a natural waste water system!

    This German village is an example to us all, and to the world as a whole, proving to be the flag bearer of community-alternative-energy-use.

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on August 22, 2011