• US Postal Service to take a Saturday off to reduce CO2 emissions

  • USPS.jpg If you rely on the US Postal Service for your snail mail delivery, you probably won’t receive any on a Saturday, thanks to global warming. Probably another effort to save up on costs, the dying postal service could do with the power grid connection we reported on before. Anyways, this proposal of a Saturday off will help the USPS cut CO2 emissions by around 503,000 metric tons per year.

    This equals pulling off 60,000 to 96,000 cars annually. The already financially suffering USPS will benefit from such steps, taken that a day off will help save up on fuel consumption costs, at the same time doing the environment a huge favor with reduced emissions. Electric delivery trucks may be expensive at first, but could help the USPS profit in the long run if the fleet is overhauled.

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on April 16, 2010