• The Zero Emissions Race with solar powered cars circumnavigating the world

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    One man showed the world, just how possible it is to circumnavigate the globe using renewable energy, Louis Palmer, a Swiss teacher. Five teams from four continents have picked up the trail and Palmer’s shining example and will set out on a race, all around the world, using electric vehicles. The Zero Emissions Race will have competitors from Australia, Germany, South Korea and Switzerland, starting off the race at Geneva and crossing the checkered flag there. To complete this journey, 18,642 miles (30,000 kilometers) will be traveled by road, all powered by electricity. Using solar panels to power up the vehicles, the racers will make around 150 stops in different cities around the globe and inspire people to go green! We wish the Zero Emissions Race competitors all the luck they’ll need while overcoming this green journey.

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on August 16, 2010