• The $11 million solar canopy for the Cincinnati Zoo

  • Cincinnati-Zoo.jpg
    Besides the exotic wildlife that usually takes a visitor’s breath away, the Cincinnati Zoo now has yet another “exhibit” of sorts that’ll leave guests marveling and awestruck. One of the largest public urban solar displays in the country, the zoo now plays home to an $11 million solar “canopy”. This structure will keep the zoo’s electricity bills short and keep the elements away from the visitors too. Using 6,400 photovoltaic solar collection panels assembled on more than 100 metal arrays, 15 to 18 feet high, the canopy covers 800 of the 1,000 parking spaces at the zoo’s main entrance and is capable of generating 1.56 megawatts of electricity, enough power to lighten up 200 homes, fulfilling 20% of the zoo’s annual need.

    Zoos bring the urban-dwellers closer to wildlife and nature, and a green initiative like this will sure make the experience a lot more nature-friendly!
    [USA Today]

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on March 28, 2011