• South Korea turns away from paperback textbooks to use digital textbooks instead

  • digital-textbooks.jpg
    To make paper, millions of trees lose their life; we all know that by now. The world today is on a look out for paper solutions, and we’ve seen quite a few innovative ways to reduce paper waste, including recycling and reusing paper, and a printer that wipes pages clean of ink for reuse. South Korea has come up with an idea that could just make paper textbooks obsolete soon! The country plans to spend over $2 billion developing digital textbooks that could probably be used by almost every school in the nation by 2015. With an access to paper-free learning materials directly via a cloud-based database, South Korean students will soon pursue their academics, in greener ways, without using textbooks made from paper.

    Well, if the schools hook up to solar panels to charge these digital textbooks, South Korea will sure as hell strike an even greener note!

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on July 5, 2011