• Plants in future to help detect toxic substances in the air

  • 5.jpgA few years in the future, we’ll have our little green buddies warning us of toxic gases in the air! Biologist Dr. June Medford at the Colorado State University (CSU) is currently busy working on plants that change color when toxins show up in the air. The plants simply stop producing chlorophyll on detecting explosives or pollutants in the air. Perfect for a scenario where chemical warfare could just break out, these plants will go white on detection. Tobacco plants work best for these and easily detect airborne substances. And the best part, these being plants require no external source of energy and do all the detecting and informing services free of cost! Just a little bit of water, and sunlight is all they need.

    So in future, the minute you see the little green plant on your office desk go white, its time to take to your heels and get right out of there! Oh, do warn your tree-hating colleagues on your way out too!

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: on February 18, 2011