• Obama awards $1.8 billion to raise solar power plants and green jobs too

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    Americans are in need of employment, clean energy and a better environment too. And an answer to all this comes in form of the Department of Energy’s $1.8 billion award to Abengoa Solar and Abound Solar Manufacturing as a funding for new solar power plants. This is part of the $862 billion the United States has kept aside to reduce oil dependency, protect the environment, and create sustainable jobs. Based in Arizona, Abengoa Solar, will build the world’s largest solar power plant that will keep away 475,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. Ground breaking will start from this fall, with construction completion dates set in mid-2013.

    Abound Solar Manufacturing on the other hand will build two new plants, in Colorado and Indiana, generating 840 megawatts and powering up 200,000 homes. These projects will help employ around 5,000 people, for temporary and permanent employment. Nothing gets better than more clean energy jobs, for and increased employment rate, cleaner energy production and a greener environment!

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on July 6, 2010