• Nokia Green Explorer helps eco-traveler to reduce carbon footprints

  • Since its that time of the year when most of you are eager to pack your bags and go globe-trotting, Nokia has come up with a green service exclusively for eco-travelers. The Nokia Green Explorer is designed by Nokia Beta Labs to ensure green assistance like sharing information about green shops, restaurants, hotels, and services. Such a platform will help to reduce carbon footprints of globe-trotters who intend to see their planet but without harming it. Users can also contribute their own eco-spots to the database for the benefit of other service users. By signing up to the site you can share eco tips and photos, ask questions, add and rank comments and tips for a more enhanced and meaningful travel experience. It also offers different options to select the most sustainable way to get to your destination based on mode of transport, cost, time to destination, and CO2 emissions.

    At present Nokia Green Explorer is not integrated with the Nokia Account which means users will need yet another username and password to use the service.
    [CNN Show Biz And Nokia]

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on April 27, 2009