• Nissan educates kids about the Leaf using website

  • Leaf.jpgFirst an iAd, and now a website for kids, Nissan sure knows how to promote its cute electric, the Leaf. Now we aren’t really sure why exactly a child would need to know much about electric cars, since they use skateboards and bicycles to commute, which are eco-friendly. But then again, a few years in the future, they might just end up driving an electric car, thanks to this sort of early education! The “An Electric in Our Home” sub-site has a cartoon family busy showing of their brand new electric car, and boasting about its features, along with irritatingly annoying background music. Also, the Nissan dealer representatives are portrayed as a dog and a giraffe in suits, and we haven’t figured out why. Maybe those naïve little kids enjoy talking animals.

    So, go spread the word around among those noisy neighborhood kids playing outdoors. Maybe they’ll just go back home and spend time with the Nissan Leaf site.

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: on December 11, 2010