• Google plans energy subsidiary known as Google Energy

  • Google_Energy.jpg
    Google has played its part in saving the environment and has showed interest in using cleaner technology before. And now, the company has decided on launching its own energy subsidiary called Google Energy. This is an effort by Google in its aim to achieve carbon neutrality. Formed on December 16, 2009, the Delaware based company publicized its intentions earlier this week to join the power game by buying and selling electricity in the market. This will help Google sell excess power to the grid and lower its energy consumption. Currently, the search engine biggie has a 1.6Mw solar arrangement at the Mountain View headquarters. Though there aren’t any fixed plans yet, Google has also planned to make renewable sources of energy cheaper than the useof coal. If all goes well, Google will help change the way the lights turn on.

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on January 8, 2010