• Energy saving light bulbs emit accidental IR rays interfering with TV’s sensor

  • lowenergy.jpg
    When many people started complaining that the channels on their TV were automatically flipping, most of them having Samsung set-top boxes supplied by Virgin Media, it took a long time to figure out that this unnatural phenomenon was being caused due to infrared rays being emitted by low energy bulbs which interfere with the sensor. While most of the people who have been having this problem say that it is solved when there aren’t any of these bulbs in the same room, some still complain that even though the bulb is in a different room, the IR rays do interfere. It has been observed that this problem is caused only due to a particular low energy bulb from Philips. A Philips executive maintains that this problem only exists in older CFLs.

    If you are wondering why this never happened in a regular light bulb even though they too emit infrared rays, it is because they don’t ‘flicker’ like some of the CFLs.

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on April 12, 2010