• California on a road towards a greener future

  • California.jpg
    Now you probably haven’t realized this, but California is leading the way to a greener future for the United States. No-one does it better than good old California, especially when it comes to staying green and environment friendly. This is probably why the rest of the US and the world should look up to California, and follow closely in its footsteps. Until now, the Californian air is ridden with smog and pollution. But give the place a few years, and with all the efforts they’ve been putting into EVs, this sure should be a problem of the long forgotten past.

    By the year 2012, the state plans to subsidize the installation of more than 5,000 charging stations, with incentives provided to meet the 7,500 EV and 25,000 plug-in hybrid mark. By the year 2017, the state aims for 60,000 EVs and 85,000 plug-in hybrids on road. California will invest $200 million a year into low-emission vehicles until 2015 and will offer a $3,000 to $5,000 rebate to buyers of low-emission vehicles, with businesses being offered up to $20,000 in rebates for purchasing a low-emission commercial vehicle. The Green Apple of the future.

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on June 21, 2010