• World’s longest billboard from Dubai is 100% eco-friendly

  • Dubai_Skyline.jpg
    Time and again we come across news about the dramatic change in Dubai’s skyline. However, now Dubai’s skyline is going to go to places with an eco-friendly colossal billboard. In an attempt to daze the world with its grandeur and impressive skyline, Adrac, a global advertising and marketing agency, has come up with this majestic proposal. Finding its way in to the Guinness Book of World Records, this world’s longest billboard is exceptionally designed to capture a piece of Dubai and take it to as many people as possible in a year’s time. Intended to tour 40 countries withing that period, this record-breaking project is set to launch alongside the opening of Adrac’s new Dubai office in the Burj Business District. Brushing aside its mammothic size as well as opulent role, allow me to update you that such an outstanding project promises to leave zilch carbon footprint behind.

    Crafted out of vented biodegradable and recycled PVC, it is supported by concrete blocks. Moving it across the globe is also very simple and eco-friendly. It breaks down into 450 10m by 2m sections, which link together via a toggle and eye type system. It is astounding to know that this world’s largest billboard can collapse and fit into two 40ft containers. It will take a team of four men less than seven hours to assemble the billboard in each country.
    Estimated at about $3.2m, this marvel will be unveiled by next spring in Dubai.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on November 25, 2008